Friday, October 24, 2014

My Battle With Acne

I've struggled with my skin since I was 12 years old.  When I was younger I had no idea how I was supposed to take care of my skin.  I would go to bed with a face full of makeup, use the same sponge for months to apply my foundation, and put on way too much makeup.  My entire face was covered in spots.  I literally did not have one smooth surface on my face.  I tried finding pictures of me when I was a teenager but I was always careful to not take any pictures and I always caked on the makeup.

I've learned over the years what has worked for me and what did not.  I'm learning still.  I discovered about a year or so ago that when I consumed dairy, it would break my face out.  I do plan on discussing this in a later post.
This journey has led me to discover my love of beauty products.  I am now 32 years old and for the most part my face is clear.  I do get the occasional breakout and I do still have scaring.  I'm hoping that this blog might help someone out there.
This is me now:
I hope you all have a lovely day!!

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